Humans of Data 027
“I’m trying to create awareness for researchers on opening up their own data. Before working [on open data] I didn’t know anything about...

Humans of Data 026
"What motivates me to keep going is teaching people who are going to keep this going after us. Managing data will find its place in the ...

Humans of Data: 025
“I’m an archivist who does digital preservation in a library and I’m very aware of the opportunities and challenges that happen in that...

Humans of Data: 024
"My story with data is funny. A year and half ago I didn’t know the term ‘big data’ exists. I couldn’t sleep one night in Cairo and I was...

Humans of Data: 023
“I’m excited that people are now starting to think about data sharing. For the last few years it’s been me, as the institutional data...

Humans of Data: 022
“In my previous life as an academic, I always liked interdisciplinary work: to come at things from a slightly sideways perspective. But...

Humans of Data: 021
"I’m not a data scientist but I know how to read and fiddle with code. This is what drives me – I want to understand and know something...

Humans of Data: 020
"I’m inspired by the fact that the [digital preservation] field is cross-disciplinary. To be able to talk about digital preservation in...

Humans of Data: 019
"Digital preservation is a perfect field because it unites two things I’m passionate about: humanities and IT. I can work on a framework...

Humans of Data: 018
“I work in a university library but was trained as an engineer. When I was doing my PhD, my advisor claimed engineering was a liberal...